w_box"form follows destination"The w_box is a module wood box. It is made by the ISO-standard and it is transportable all over the world. The industrial production gives the possibility to reduce the price by 30% in comparison with the traditionally constructions. The box can be transported to every destination, being already mounted. The integrated energy concept promise enduring advantages in costs. Using the material wood the product achieves quiet good qualities, which guarantee the comfort of the user.With the addition of every single module we can get different variations in the field of urbanity and architecture. Big windows and naturals accumulative materials banish every expensive energy technician. So the product line of the living units has also a good isolation.Nowadays in the time of the mobility, it becomes necessary to make it easier to change the own living place. The w_box units can be transported without changing anything of the interior. With a normal standard Transport the box can be moved to a new address. It is the beginning of a new area …service woodOut of the basic concept of the w_box it is developed the new product line „service wood“. It is made by a simple interior and has different uses. The demand for parasites-additions in the private space, applications for the public service and also for temporary expositions are given. Because of the series production and of the flexibility of every single module, the w_box gets a strong position in the market. domus aureaThe new energy house is called „domus aurea“. It is a climate house and offers various solutions for every different kind of familiarly situations and it is a very flexible construction element.The architectural concept is based on the energy concept principle of the sustainability. Because of the low cost production, the economic transport, the fast montage and also because of the energy household without technical. The “domus aurea” is a good example for the dry construction. It is also 30% cheaper in comparison with the traditional constructions. Huge windows on the south façade, an optimal isolation and green on the roof underline the comfort of every user.wood villageThe w_box gives the possibility to create living structures in one day. Because of the different applications of one module it is possible to get a homogeny picture of an ordinary living structure. The use of temporary or permanent applications can offer the basic needs of the people without losing their own quality and comfort of live.The fast montage and the dismounting, the easy transport of the box-units make it possible to reanimate the “mobility” of the human being. The “wood village” line is made for accommodations of emergency, accommodations for seasonal workers, field kitchen, ecc., …